
The repository for the code is hosted at

The current implementation has been developed in Python 3.

To use it the simulation code, you should consider using the standard libraries numpy and matplotlib. , sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme.

To use this project’s code and personalize it, you should consider the libraries numpy and matplotlib for simulation, sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme for documentation, and twine.

Install from pypi

You can install the library from pypi. This is good for testing the library, but will not allow you to personalize the code.

pip install GenericSimulationLibrary

Install from repository

You can install the library from github. This is good for testing the library, but will not allow you to personalize the code.

pip install git+

Clone repository and install

You can clone the library from github. This is good for testing the library and will allow you to personalize the code.

git clone
cd GenericSimulationLibrary
python install

Clone repository and install, but record installation files

Optionally, record the files installed, in case you want to remove them later:

python install --record installation_files.txt

To uninstall removing the files:

cat installation_files.txt | xargs sudo rm -rf