
Example in Google colab

Here is an executable example using Google Colab. Requires a google account (but it’s worth it :).

Example in mybinder

Here is an executable example using MyBinder. Does not requires any account, but it will not store results.

Code example

To run it, you need to install the library.

To run and save a simulation:

from GenericSimulationLibrary import SimulationInterface

inputs = {
plot_options = {
        "xlabel":"x [x_units]",
        "ylabel":"y [y_units]",
        "title":"My title",
        "data_x":[ 0.1, 2.1,  3.9,  6.1,  7.9,  9.9],
        "data_y":[-2.8, 3.6, 10.7, 13.6, 22.8, 27.1],  # -2 + 3*x + error
        "data_kwargs": {'label':'exp', 'color':'red',
                        'marker':'s', 'markersize':6,
        "sim_kwargs": {'label':'sim', 'color':'black',
                        'marker':'o', 'markersize':6,
filepath = "/test.sim"
print("Sim file:", filepath)

SI = SimulationInterface()
SI.new(inputs, plot_options)
del SI

To load a simulation and plot the results:

from GenericSimulationLibrary import SimulationInterface
SI_2 = SimulationInterface()

As you can see, all you need is to define the inputs and plot options, and run the simulation. Libraries and outputs are silently handled. Saving, plotting or exporting the results is trivially easy for the user.